With the programmed entry not being used, two of the top couples in the world of dance did not participate in this marvelous championship, where the title of British Open Professional Champions represents one of the highest pinnacles of achievement. However, fortunately, many top-class pairs delivered superb dance performances that satisfied both the judges and the spectators. The audience’s hunger for dance was evident, as they responded with roars of approval, even during the dances, when they could not control their emotions. The Blackpool roar is back.
It is the afternoon of the last day, Friday and the scene is one of sheer extravagance and beauty. As my eyes and ears take in the magnificent Ballroom, coupled to the superb dance exponents who were all out to collect judging marks and fly through the rounds!
Number 8- Vladlen Kravchenko and Marianna Butuzova - Excellent floor coverage and they have charisma today, looking superior to most. Number 3 - Artem Belmeha and Anna Shevchenko - well measured drive and swing in this waltz. Beat 3 could be amplified by the addition of more foot pressure on closing steps. Number 39 - Artur Kozun and Monika Pyrgiel - Sticking out as if a diamond in a mine of gold therefore they sparkle as they dance and they show a lovely stance. Perhaps they could add a trifle more foot pressure to closing steps, which would increase the beauty of this wondrous dance we call waltz. This is going to be a fabulous day of dance.
Number 68- Shin Mitsuda and Miho Mizumoto -show a beautiful delayed rise from beat 2 to 3 so as to show the lovely nuance our pioneers asked for when they wrote the technique down for us to use. Number 92-Tsz Chiu Wong and Wing Ngor Wong- Gosh a golly with the man in magnificent pink and with a feather boa over one of his shoulders and down towards his chest. Amazing crowd appeal! They walked to the floor beautifully and walked off at the end of the heat magnificently. The parts between require some work. His white shoes created a flashingly clear message of “vive la difference”. A three bar throwaway overstay made the audience roar and to an on spot spin immediately afterwards. Gosh they transmitted as if they were an cold ice cream on a very hot day. Number 114- Ruslan Kaluizhnyi and Elena Babaeva -who were most unlucky in the rising stars pro ballroom event. They used excellent understanding of function and were also lovely stylists. Number 118- Cristian Radvan and Zara Xueqin Yin - Correct application of waltz technique of ankles and feet and they used them beautifully all the time.
I wonder if I will see that beautiful action of hover at the end of the musical bar from any of the couples?Number 10 - Sidorov Egor and Sidorova Svetlana are tall, elegant and vey much with the principles of this dance. Number 38 - Ilya Golovchenko and Katusha Strelkova have a fabulous silhouette, wow! When they take off into motion, they matched the look with correct action too.
I must mention that during the entire festival, Blackpool was, and still is, a must-attend event for fashion gurus among the ladies, who swell the audience with their sophistication. Throughout the week, they have endeavored to leave an indelible mark on the festival with their dress sense and elegance. This results in an audience so impeccably dressed that, at times, it feels like we are at Royal Ascot.
As a testament to the sophistication shown throughout the week, a young and very beautiful lady passed by my seat one evening, wearing an outstandingly elegant dress that epitomised the timeless style of Coco Chanel, the famous fashion icon. Her outfit was classical, so elegant, and her earrings and makeup were of the highest possible standard without any ostentation. Her name was Charlotte Egstrand from Denmark, a renowned Latin dancer who has won numerous events and championships. Her entire appearance created a vivid image in my mind, and the words of a well-known song came to me: "I did but see her passing by, and I would dance with her until I die." Of course, there were many more ladies with equally impeccable dress sense…
Number 38 - Ilya Golovchenko and Katusha Strelkova - excellent weave action on consecutive quicks, and they generally use drive and body swing too. At times they also use hover as an action of great delight to my eyes. Number 36 -Johnny Liu and Fiona Guo - also use some of the same attributes of excellence with correct use of the food of dance…we call them ankles.
Ultra famous Josephine Bradley once said “You must never be over obvious when you dance as it is bad form to do so” Would she, or could she, have stopped the over the top aspects seen today? I think she would have been horrified and the Ritz with Glitz would not have been in her thoughts.
Number 65 - Argo Oblikas and Alessia Oblikas are tall, elegant and impactive too. Number 92- Tsz Chiu Wong and Wing Ngor Wong - now dressed in royal blue tails…Can they live up to the royalty with dance expertise? They completed the dance with a contra check, somewhat unexpectedly. They certainly did entertain. Number 116- Szymon Kalinowski and Grazyna Grabicka - Marked instantly, good stance, on time and wise floorcraft too.
The dance which has mislaid its proper credentials, except for a very few couples, who are able to stir the emotions and make those watching curl their toes inside their shoes. Number 19 - Andrew Nolo and Sarlote Jakse are powerful indeed! Perhaps a little over anxious and trying a little too hard but this should pick up the marks easily. Number 12- XIANGYU CHEN and YIZE LI show a good use of the understanding of the difference between a quick and a slow in tango and the lady expands her body line when going to promenade position. They also understand how to control the second quick, a slow which is so important. Number 27- Fu YongHui and Zeng YiHui oh a nicely naughty lady and they stay on a nice vertical posture and stance control. Number 25 Igor Reznik and Lika Dikaya - Excellent stance and silhouette which conveys instantly and wisely too.
Number 69- Nazar Batih and Mariko Cantley show a powerful image, perhaps a trifle over anxious and trying too hard but this will get marked as they show good credentials and transmit very well. Number 27- Fu YongHui and Zeng YiHui - wonderful lady and they portray and stay on a very effective vertical stance line for this dance we call tango. Number 25- Igor Reznik and Lika Dikaya show an excellent stance and silhouette, which conveys instantly and wisely too. Number 72- Hao Wu and Nan Ding are clean as the air is today and they synchronise head turn and head drop to their blending of characterisation of the dance. This shows very well and attracts rather than repels, which it could do if overdone with head drops. Number 54- Jaehwan Park and Yeeun Sung are looking fabulous, with a clean cut stance and good control. Their speed of foot placements at times just miss out on the holding of slow steps, but they produce a good dance. Number 78- Volker Schmidt and Ellen Jonas are consistent competitors and certainly show this as they simply love it and portray experienced skill honing too. The great coach, Major Eric Hancox, once described how to “throw” cbm in specific parts of tango. This pair are using this nice action, which adds to the expertise. Number 114- Ruslan Kaluizhnyi and Elena Babaeva - Potential galore… They understand the principles and convey them beautifully. They stand out like cream poured on top of a bowl of strawberries, and they were as succulent as would be the berries. I could hardly believe that they did not reach upper stages of this event, but perhaps this is only postponed to next year.
Number 12- XIANGYU CHEN and YIZE LI are slim, elegant and using ankles and feet to whisper lightly over the floor which is lovely to see. Number 25-Igor Reznik and Lika Dikaya - crackingly moving round, using the feet to dissolve their changes of weight. Quickstep demands strong use of feet and ankles. Number 35- Oliver Hand and Anastasiia Lysytsyna are very much improved and sending a clear message of sensibility without losing the appeal, which is necessary in an event such as this. They are protecting the principles. The young mans head moves around too much as this dance continues, which is somewhat detractive, but they are looking “swelegent”. Number 62- Leo Wang and Joanna Liu - when they dance an on spot action it is very good and is light and fluffy too. Number 65- Argo Oblikas and Alessia Oblikas understand how to control the actions so as to transmit a very good dance and they came across very well. Show Biz hits the eyes and ears, as number 92- Tsz Chiu Wong and Wing Ngor Wong - take to the floor, with white tails and a fur around his shoulder. It sure hits the Empress Ballroom, right in the eyes. Number 123- SICHENG Li and MANNI ZHOU - deserve full marks as they are light, bright, efficient and dancing very well in this quickstep.
I have to say it is very hard to be a diamond in the midst of a rhinestone world. How difficult it is for the judges to recognise the difference? But their lifelong passion and knowledge for dance amplifies the correct fundamentals, so that they can give a clear indication of their likes and dislikes by giving or withholding marks. Number 26- Oleksandr Kalenyuk and Olena Ablitsova instantly show as being a really good pair of waltz exponents. Number 25- Igor Reznik and Lika Dikaya are unafraid to really milk a lunge and they use fabulous feet when doing so. They also understand and use the different actions necessary between a swing rise and a pressure rise. They control on spot rises beautifully and this allows them to float out to the following step. This man’s facial expressions are at times detractive and he could improve that aspect considerably by a check when practising or having lessons. You may think it is unimportant but in fact it is a part of dance expression and characterisation too. They are dancing this waltz extremely well. Number 47- Alex Gunnarsson and Ekaterina Bond are using feet and ankles beautifully and believe me, if you wish to be as good, get practising the use of your feet and ankles. Number 35-Oliver Hand and Anastasiia Lysytsyna - Upper body style slightly retracted on the centre of gravity, but I have to say this actually gives them a very good academic look and a lovely demeanour adds to their prowess too. They also control foot closes so wisely.
Number 99- Michal Le and Sandra Jablonska - aah… drive and swing experts beyond the norm. They are instantly recognised as world class. He smiles as if he has just won the lottery and the lady “allows” his body swing. They are using their feet too… wow…lovely indeed. Number 136- Andrii Mykhailov & Agnieszka Osrodka -Vroom… and they dance into a left whisk but the legs seem somewhat too high. Then they dance an eminent developé and this Lady sure understands that aspect. It is delicious to watch as his lead allows the balance she requires to make it look so elegant. They show a super look of controlled lock danced diagonally to centre by adding to the time scale away from the norm… a lovely nuance of desirability indeed. Number 102- Jack Beale and Nataliia Beale - a glamorous young lady of dance who is being presented so well by her man of dance. I reminisce for a few seconds and wonder if number 92- Tsz Chiu Wong and Wing Ngor Wong- is an eccentric reactionary or a dance revolutionary. Time of course will tell but perhaps they are already sussing out new ways to incite attention next year. Entertainment has many facets and they sure incited laughter; in the very first round and then it was Au Revior. Generally I have to say that there must be a precise use of foot closures in waltz and this transmits the elegance which is an essential constituent of this beautiful dance.
Apparently simplistic aesthetic dance is “wonderful”, as it disguises the perspiration induced, in order to acquire the necessary skills, which create the beauty of sophisticated elegance and excellence too.
Number 25- Igor Reznik and Lika Dikaya- Man cannot help his mouth to open and close too much, which means we see his tongue out rather often and this can be detractive. They are a beautifully trained couple with many excellent attributes. Number 9- Riccardo Conte and Eleonora Filippi show a very good dance and are using the principles in a correct order. Not over dancing but using the rhythmic changes so very well, and it sure comes across well. Number 37-Cristian De Cillis and Kamila Brozovska are a class act and they maintain function extremely well, without wriggles or overdance and their dance has a good structure. Number 99- Michal Le and Sandra Jablonska are flowing like a river, with smooth use of CBM to lubricate rotations. Number 116- Szymon Kalinowski and Grazyna Grabicka dance a three step diagonally to centre and then a feather, followed by a reverse turn. It was lovely indeed and of the essence in acquisition. Number 117-Eugene HIROSHIMA and Arisa Ishiwata are inducing speed from static or slowness and also using feet and ankles beautifully… a marvellous acquisition for sure. Number 102-Jack Beale and Nataliia Beale have a lovely use of body flight before using the standing foot. The mans collar could be a little higher but they move body weight first and then place the moving foot to create correctness of motion application.
It often appears that this dance is neglected within practise sessions and the lack of fleckerels show up instantly when watching. There is an insufficiency of bars used on that marvellous figure, the reverse and natural flerckerels. Those couples who are wise will practise this dance ready for the next major event and shock audience and judges too with their remarkable addition of extra expertise…. I wonder if this will come true? Number 25- Igor Reznik and Lika Dikaya are excellent stylists and using a fine swing in this VW. Not attempting to be too athletic, a well presented dance. Number 61- Gaetano Iavarone and Emanuela Napolitano show a great silhouette which was so beautifully experienced. They are challenging for the final already, as they are the possessors of the ability to be able to take off and disguise the mechanics of motion, which they have such good control of. They hold the picture as if they were at an investiture at Buckingham Palace and they have such a gorgeous floor appeal. The restricted syllabus in this dance ensures purity of construction and a simply gorgeous floor was seen, full of elegant exponents. Ladies stayed flat on their natural turns, and they were not trying to show rise, but kept the principles of this lovely viennese waltz.
Number 20- Dusan Dragovic and Valeria Dragovic - The simply beautiful Lady dancing with a man whose physique transmits utter masculinity. His entire body is geared to be able to dance this wondrous dance, not just effectively, but also with a type of almost savagery which is hinted at within the expressions they create, as they dance this tango of such merit. Because he has a physique so suited to tango it makes them become the connoisseurs of the dance, and it is the characterisational aspects which are as if perspiration flying from their foreheads and spreading across the dance floor. They understand the nuances of the dance and for example they portray the famous “stalks” which add so much to the dance when presented as they did. Their cup is full and running over as they won all 5 dances, to become the British Open Professional Dance Champions… oh wow we wish it was us eeh?
Number 124- Fedor Isaev and Anna Zudilina - over the dances are presenting a major improvement which has escalated their prowess as the young stags have become more mature. This aspect is very difficult to achieve when you are young slim and fluid but they have succeeded in the transmission of their dances tonight. Number 2- Tetsuya Konno and Kaori Inoguchi - show a very sophisticated tango, which conveys correctness and maintenance of a lovely stance.
Number 32-Madis Abel and Liis End - Great dancing from this young pair of lovely exponents and their use of concealed athleticism over the dances is simply magnificent. I never looked for them, but they found my eyes and ears and pleased them very much, as they are in command of aspects such high desirability. Number 56- Vladislav Korotchenko and Anna Trenzeleva - lovely stylists in this tango, although there is a slight reminiscence of quickstep within their dance structure. They hold great style and are most certainly going for it tonight. Number 61- Gaetano Iavarone and Emanuela Napolitano are overall simply lovely and they hold their bodies within the limits of judges requirements. This ensures many marks as it is a very wise acquisition. Perhaps a little more use of sway would assist their battle to reach even higher status than they already posses. They have stickability of the highest possible order and their approach is almost flawless. Number 57- Kyle Taylor and Alisa Margulis show that they have perspired in lessons and practises to add to their already high status. Their performances over all dances on this night were beautifully under control and they never allowed outside circumstance to interfere with their performance level. In this tango their blend of structure was very wise and came across so nicely. Number 37- Cristian De Cillis and Kamila Brozovska are very close to terrific in tango. Great stylists and also they maintain this major asset. They are looking for the answers so that they can escalate their results, and are for sure, on the correct application of mentality. Number 126- Alex Plant and Leanne - in the dances this young pair have a remarkable talent. They dance to win and never would capitulate. This young man of dance is the possessor of multi talents and it would not have surprised me to see them make the grand final. Their dances are well choreographed and they suit each other, with the young fanatic, and the wise Lady of dance adding lubricational aspects galore, with her lovely understanding of the dance constituents. Number 88-YA LIU and YIXI WANG - have outstanding demeanours. They dance a great contra check, but were blocked from coming out, so they merely held the line until there was space. They transmitted beautifully the quality of stillness which is of such value to a tango when inserted wisely. Number 64-Yuichi Fukuda and Elizabeth Gray had a lovely back collar stud, disguised in the collar with elegance. This is a nice aspect as it transmits an understanding of the small but important facets required if you wish to be considered as an elegant exponent of dance. Number 102- Jack Beale and Nataliia Beale are much improved in tango, with a good structure of variation within the dance. This seems changed for the better since last I saw them dance. They have the necessary floor appeal in tango for this to become a major asset in time to come. They posses the ability to stalk and convey the characterisation so very necessary. They dissolved into characterisation beautifully tonight.
Number 25- Igor Reznik and Lika Dikaya show a most excellent dance and they swing and swirl as well as moving round as if they have a jet engine within. They move their body weight together and in unison to each other are producing a great challenge on this night of nights and could create a fabulous impact in the final…..
Number 47- Alex Gunnarsson and Ekaterina Bond show improved arm styling which adds to their other attributes and they are very clearly avoiding trouble with their excellent floorcraft too.
This is a fantastic event and the crowd are baying! The precision of the couples co-ordination of muscularity, was as if they were scalpels, used by surgeons of eminence to carve their names indelibly into the creative value of their honed skill factors. There is no dispute as to the immense expertise shown and the hidden principles come alive and invite spectators to almost overflow with emotional responses because of the staggering virtuosity on show tonight. Number 99- Michal Le and Sandra Jablonska - wow a pure start to this quickstep… was blocked, so what? They waited and then took off. Then they added today’s items, with style and substance too. Number 136- Andrii Mykhailov & Agnieszka Osrodka danced a lovely cross swivel, with great motion action and then they were moving like the wind whistling through the trees in autumn. The man could add to his sleeve length of the white shirt, just to give him an air of extra sophistication. This pair certainly know how to change body weight from foot to foot.
Number 20- Dusan Dragovic and Valeria Dragovic are showing the use CBM and their shoulder leads are allowing the body angling so necessary for this dance . They show some rotational splendour and they are calm, concise and clearly expert too. Once again he sends physical power, which promises danger to all other couples who attempt to stop them becoming the Champions. But they continued and also retained substance and won. Number 32 – Madis Abel and Liis End – Like a deep river, their dance was serene and fluid. Then, as if young boys had thrown stones into the river, creating bubbles, their performance gained an added vibrancy, cascading into rotational splendor like a whirlpool. It was truly lovely, and this pair of exponents have, on this night, delighted both my eyes and ears. 102-Jack Beale and Nataliia Beale - actually used a beautiful rubato start to this foxtrot. Number 136- Andrii Mykhailov & Agnieszka Osrodka - were able to use their feet to decelerate, and hover beautifully as if so easy.
The end of the festival comes along and it is with regret, because it is breathing life into attenders eyes and ears and it entices everyone to remember to book for the next festival of dance. Once bitten by the bug of dance you cannot wish to be cured… no fear!
Elegantly opulent, the Empress Ballroom exudes luxury which transcends within the world of dance and, by its presence, inspiration flashes from your eyes to your mind and then to your feet, as you crave to dance and be enriched by its ambience.
As I close this serial we must remember that if we ignore the principles of the dances, the skeleton of a dance will be lost and sport will eradicate aesthetics. The atmosphere at Blackpool is simply enchanting and the audience is spilling its fervour so as to ensure they show their undoubted appreciation of dance in all its glory.
Placido Domingo once said it was nice to be nearly 60 and still consider himself a “student” of opera. That is one of the secrets of dance. Age is merely arithmetic when gaged against a lifetime of an all absorbing passion to continue to discover new delights of knowledge. It is almost bigamous to love something else as much as you love your dancing.